Marcus, born with a rare genetic skin condition, is a beneficiary of palliative care at Kimbilio Hospice in Uasin Gishu, Kenya. This photo, by Howard Kinyua from Nairobi, Kenya, was submitted to the 2021 IAHPC Photo Contest. Start take photos now to prepare for the next contest, in 2023! Used with permission.
Table of Contents
- Dear Readers Scholarships for individuals awarded & opportunities for institutions, organizations, and even more individuals for support from the IAHPC.
- Policy & Advocacy Katherine Pettus covers key online events & documents, a symposium on global palliative care in Madrid, and more.
- Grants in Action IAHPC Scholars share what they learned at the EAPC conference, such as ways to make palliative care research less intrusive.
- IAHPC News
- Apply for an IAHPC Advocacy Award (APAD) to Expand Your Palliative Care Service.
- Meet the IAHPC Scholars chosen to attend the African Palliative Care Association conference in August.
- Pallipedia hits a milestone!
- Reminder IAHPC Scholarship application deadlines are July 15 for the McGill international conference and August 31 for the Latin American congress.
- Tidbits (news in brief)
- What’s New in the IAHPC Calendar
- Featured Story A tantalizing taste of useful information from the first 3 modules of the IAHPC Comprehensive Course in Pain Assessment and Management.
- App Review my Palliative Care Link: ongoing assessment and communication with patients.
- Lessons from the LiteratureUnder My Microscope IAHPC Research Advisor Dr. Tania Pastrana highlights an article on using amitriptyline or nortriptyline for neuropathic pain.
Plus: Some studies document palliative care progress.
- Membership Matters
- New & Renewing Members’ List
- Last Month’s Donors
Editorial committee
Alison Ramsey
Senior Editor
Senior Editor
Katherine Pettus
Liliana de Lima
Danilo Fritzler