Acupuncture For Chronic Pain
Acupuncture has long been used as a treatment for chronic pain, but its effectiveness and underlying mechanisms have often sparked
PainSA is a chapter of the International Association for the Study of Pain. Our mission is to improve all aspects of pain management in Southern Africa.
Together let’s improve the management of pain in all its aspects in Southern Africa
Acupuncture has long been used as a treatment for chronic pain, but its effectiveness and underlying mechanisms have often sparked
Adhering to pain self-management strategies is essential for improving psychobehavioral outcomes in individuals with chronic pain. However, maintaining strong adherence
Link to article: According to a recently published US-based population study, adults living with persistent pain are the underrecognized
Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) encounter specific challenges when it comes to pain management, as their altered drug metabolism
Global Year Factsheets, prepared by top experts on various aspects of pain prevention, are available for free download. IASP thanks the scientists and clinicians who wrote and reviewed the factsheets.
We are a multidisciplinary society whose membership includes all Health Care Professionals.