At our usual face to face courses as part of our ongoing Quality Assurance we ask participants to answer three questions. What did you learn, what did you like, what can we do better. These questions were also asked of the online participants and we report some of the feedback What did you learn? The RAT acronym Information on non-pharmacological approaches The good structure of the program The importance of a multidisciplinary approach What did you like the most? Simple and interactive Will be good for medical and nursing students Practical case simulations Nociceptive versus non-nociceptive What could improve? More discussion and help with barriers Videos on non-pharmacological approaches Include cases of babies and non-communicating adults e.g. those sedated Can you do an advanced course On completion of the online program respondents are offered the opportunity to join a 60 to 90 minute Zoom group session to discuss either their own cases or standard EPM cases. 50 respondents wanted to take up this offer and we will arrange a series of online group discussions in the next few months. Overall we are pleased with this early feedback and will continue to promote this online version of EPM. Please encourage your colleagues and contacts especially students to access this free course and use it as part of their continuing professional education. registration is free, then search for Essential Pain Management. |